Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Google Down!

(click to enlarge)

Looks like Google is facing more problems other than those I highlighted concerning Blogger. I wasn't able to load up any site related to Google for awhile and the error message like the one above kept popping up. Even my Google Talk was disconnected. Blogger was down, Gmail too and accessing Google through www.google.com or www.google.com.my gave the error message like the one above. Doesn't look good at all even if it was momentarily. What's up Google? I'm beginning to lose faith and everyone knows what a Google fan(atic?) I am.


  1. hey google boy...
    i guess this sort of things only happens to u, i didn't have such problems.

    good to know u are back. did u win the battle with blogger? ;)

  2. oooo....you must have not read the previous post!!! it's far from over!

    just found out that post was 'mysteriously' unpublished....and not shown in google reader either although i SAW it published earlier on my blog!!!

    there seems to be a sinister motive here....i'm seriously considering on the wordpress option now!!!

  3. google seems to be growing bigger than it can control....this is very worrying...
