Thursday, July 21, 2005


Cleaning up and preparing to move to the new aquaculture building is such a pain in the ass! It's so dusty and there's just so much to do! Why must it be so difficult? Can't we just move the things that we need? We had to dig up stuff that we've never used and never seen and never knew existed! My lungs were so filled up with dust and what-nots that I still have breathing difficulties! My good sense of smell has deserted me and I wasn't able to smell what others in my grandmother's hospital room smelt, even up close! It was suppose to be some menthol-like smell which can be very distinct and also I should be able to detect that very easily since I'm not too fond of the smell but I couldn't smell anything just now!!! My lungs must be black by now! Oh yeah, injured my hand too. :P


  1. hoi....i injured my hand too...not only u ok? :p
    we have moved some of our tanks there already tired today!


  2. Yeah, I saw some activity at the new facility today. We will me moving in stages in the next two weeks.
